A review of Ulsterbus Ltd by Lorraine McCartney written on Thursday 16th of October 2008
Last month a friend and I were travelling to Ayr for a few days . (ex GVS station to Stena Terminal)
Whilst we were waiting for the transfer to the Stena
terminal from G.V.S. her bank card was "swallowed "by a faulty A.T.M. in the arcade.
I must admit she was very distraught.
Our Ulsterbus driver heard about her problem and offered her some money to help her out.This was a very kind act indeed but it was surpassed
by the fact the said driver was reluctant to give his name and also offered to double the amount !
(If Reqd)
I personally would like the said employee to be commended for such a generous act.
I do know his name is Gerard (Gerry) and he was driving the bus from G.V.S. at 6.30am to Stena Terminal on Thurs 18th Sept.
To my friend and I , this gentleman should be bistowed
with the greatest offer.
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